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Goodpack Limited, Shanghai Representative Office

  新加坡好运公司上海办事处Goodpack Limited. Shanghai Representative Office

  新加坡好运有限公司是一家新加坡上市公司,它是世界上 最大的循环式中型储运箱制造商和租赁商。新加坡好运公司在亚太 地区,欧洲和美国都设有办事处并在全球50多个国家中建立起自己 的储运箱循环系统。随着公司业务规模的逐步扩大,新加坡好运公 司上海办事处热诚地希望有识之士加盟我们。我们会依据您的实际 能力提供给您优厚的待遇。

  Goodpack, a rapidly growing Singapore company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, is the world largest returnable Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) operator offering container rental and leasing program to business worldwide. Goodpack has operation in Asia Pacific, Europe and the America and its returnable IBC system is currently used in more than 50 countries. To support our aggressive expansion, we are looking for the right candidate for the following positions. Competitive compensation packages will be offered to the right candidates.

  联系方式:请将你的中英文简历,证件照,身份证和学历复 印件及期望的薪酬邮寄至:上海浦东新区汤臣中心188号308室电子 邮箱:Cassie.Qian@goodpack.com

Goodpack Limited, Shanghai Representative Office