电 话:0769-22717698 传 真:0769-22772221 直 线:0769-21487842 梅先生
手 机:13827251095 邮箱:www..zhichengjx@163.com
网 址:www.zhichengjx.com 地 址:东莞市万江上甲工业区
公司简介 东莞志诚机械设备有限公司是一家集开发、生产、销售为一体的专业的蚀刻设备生产和蚀刻技术研究的综合型公司。公司技术雄厚,生产工艺先进,拥有一批多年从事蚀刻技术开发的专业人才。在结合国内外先进技术的基础上,本公司坚持持续发展,不断创新,先后推出了滚轮蚀刻机、立式蚀刻机、圆盘蚀刻机、平曲面蚀刻机、精密曝光机等一系列先进的蚀刻设备和蚀刻技术,能在不锈钢、铜、铁、铝等金属上蚀刻各种图案,已经广泛地应用于电子、五金、通讯、钟表、玩具、工艺礼品、电器、家具等多种行业。我公司同时设有志诚机械设备厂、百达丝印器材经营部、志诚五金电子厂,为客户提供全方位的服务。
Dongguan Zhicheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a synthetic enterprise with its business scope major in production and R & D of etching equipment, contributed to the development, production and sales. Zhicheng Machinery owns abundant technology and advanced production craft with rich experience in research of etching technology. Zhicheng Machinery has promoted the hoop etching machine, the vertical etching machine, the disc etching machine, the curved surface etching machine, the precise exposure machine which will be etched all kinds of drawing on stainless steel, copper, iron, aluminum and so on. Our products have been widely applied to the electron, the hardware, the communication, the clock and watch, the toy, the craft gifts, the electric appliance, the furniture and so on. We provides complete service for customers which is equipped with the Zhicheng Machinery Equipment Factory, Baida Silk Printing Manage Dep. , Zhicheng hardware electronic factory.
With more than 10 years rich experiences, Zhicheng received the faith and the high praise because of excellent quality, reasonable price and consummation service. The aim of Zhicheng Machinery is to be customer is god and quality is first class.
We are looking forward to striving with our customers for a brighter future.
电 话:0769-22717698 传 真:0769-22772221 直 线:0769-21487842 梅先生
手 机:13827251095 邮 箱:www..zhichengjx@163.com 腾讯:764336055