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Blue carbon tar (two)

专家姓名:曹礼栓  类别:Blue carbon tar

The composition of the low-medium temperature coal tar


The Intermediate-low temperature coal tar here we talking is a kind of coal tar we get from blue coke production process. This kind of tar has great differences with the tar derived from machanized furnace coke production in both chemi-physical characteristics and the products yeild. What we will discuss in this paper is just the former one.

Mainly as follows(The yield of distillates only)


(a) Non-crystallization fraction accounts for 30-32% under constant temperature by visual assessing. Simultaneously, crystallization fraction is 30-33% and asphalt is 29-32%

(b) The yield in different process
0-170℃ 6-7%
170-230℃ 6±1%
230-270℃ 12±1%
270-300℃ 8±1%
300-330℃ 11±0.5%
330-360℃ 23±1%
>360℃ 30±2%

(c)The content of crude phenol: (based on 100 tons of anhydrous-tar)
The phenol content in the high quality oil is 10 tons
The phenol content in the normal oil is 8 tons

The basic components of crude phenol:
Phenol 15.5-16%
O-cresol 13.5-14.0%
The sum of m-cresol and p-cresol 35%
The sum of Xylenol isomers 34%

These data based on actual production statistics.
