- 发布日期:2010-10-30
- 截止日期:不限
- 学历:博士
- 招聘人数:2
- 工作地点:美国
Boise State University and the Xu research lab (www.dxulab.com,use proxy server to access from China) invite applications for afull-time research scientist/postdocposition in Computational Chemistry and Biophysics. Research areas areopen, preferably relevant to renewable energy, molecular targetedtherapeutics design and drug delivery systems. Novel computationalmethod and software development are also welcome.
The successful candidate is expected to carry out and publishhigh-impact scientific research, as well as participate in grantproposal preparation. In addition, she/he will help train, guide andmentor graduate and undergraduate students.
A Ph.D. degree or equivalent experience in a related discipline(chemistry, biology, physics, biomedical engineering, mathematics,molecular biology, computer or computational science etc.) andpeer-reviewed publications in respected journals are required. Strongbackground and genuine interest in computational modeling andsimulation are essential, as are good interpersonal and communicationskills, effective work habits, and the ability to work as part of ateam. Working knowledge of computer cluster system administration is aplus.
Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and a detailedresearch plan (5-8 page) with one-page brief summary as a single PDFfile to Prof. Danny Xu at dxu@boisestate.edu. Please type "Researchscientist/Postdoc position application" in the email subject line.
Three letters of recommendation will be required for shortlistedcandidates. Review of applications will begin immediately and continueuntil the position is filled.
Candidates who have or are going to obtain funding from China's state-sponsoredexchange scholarship programs are particularly encouraged to apply.
Boise, the capital city of Idaho, also known as the "city of trees",is both a cultural center and a playground for those who love theoutdoors. A vibrant downtown area affords fine dining, theater, music,arts and zoo. Located within minutes of premiere ski slopes,whitewater rafting, mountain biking, and soaring basalt cliffs,Boise's location provides stunning mountain views and majestic highdesert sunsets. Boise is one of the nation's fastest-growing cities.With its expanding metro area, major airport, beautiful four seasons,interstate freeway, low cost of living, taxes and crime, Boise hasbeen consistently rated the best inexpensive place to live in the US.
--Dong (Danny) Xu, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryBoise State UniversityBoise, ID 83725-1520
Phone: (208) 426-1031Fax: (208) 426-3027Email: dxu@boisestate.eduWeb: www.dxulab.com